Enter the Epicness

October 13, 2011

My Summative Self Assessment...

  1. Gaby
  2. Blonde, blue eyes and averagely tall. 
  3. To eliminate all rumors from Flying Hills Middle School For Werewolves
  4. There are rumors in her school that she is on drugs.
  5. Ashley
  6. Goddess Esopam and Bullies
  7. Lipstick, Full wallet, makeup, cellphone...
  8. She has lost the confidence and trust she once had from her parents because of the untrue rumors.
  9. She is a very sweet, unselfish girl. She donates 100 weekly dollars to the UNICEF children's fund and she is a very good student. 
  1. Exposition: Introduce the problem, Gaby and the situation.
  2. Rising Action: Esopam visits and Gaby is proposing the offerings. 
  3. Climax: Esopam allows and accepts the offerings and eliminates the rumors.
  4. Falling actions/Resolution: The normal day at school and at home. Everything is normal again. 
C. My story is a myth because it explains how people live now a days, and some of the problems found in middle schools in a way that involves mythological traits (Goddesses, werewolves, sacrifice. etc). 

D. I explained the rumors problem by showing a case of a girl who's life has changed completely because of a rumor. Also, I explained the problem of drugs in the world (even though this is not really a middle school problem).

E. I edited my rough draft by adding places in which the story seemed incomplete. I also fixed the one problem I had in which I confused that with who. I only found those errors when someone else read my story
and they pointed them out to me. 

F. I read Mateo Osorio, Ana Maria Samper and Samuel Fajardo's stories. My feedback and comments are in a post I made titled "Feedback on Virtual Stories" and it is in the project section of my blog.

G. Based on the rubric, I think I deserve a 4. I have completed all the necessary work 

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