Enter the Epicness

September 29, 2011

Gaby and Esopam PHOTOS

Gaby is crying in the bathroom after a day of bullying. 

Gaby is crying in bed after a fight with her parents

The first visit from Esopam

Gaby is explaining when she cursed at the Goddess.

Gaby is thinking what she can offer to Esopam.

Esopam's second visit to Gaby.

Gaby is thinking what she should offer AGAIN. 

The offer Gaby proposes to the goddess.

The next NORMAL day at school

A normal day at home with her parents. They are a happy family again.

Vocabulary 1.1 activity

Here is the link to my Jeopardy game I created using Jeopardy Labs


September 27, 2011

Vocabulary 1.1 words

NOTE: my synonyms are highlighted in ORANGE and the antonyms are highlighted in GREEN.

Normal Words

1. n. the hitting of something against another thing. It is not a verb, it is the actual hitting.
2. n. Instruments like a drum that make sounds when hit.
1. adj. Long-lasting
2. adj. Said continuously
3. adj. That lives longer than two years. Usually referred to plants.
tr. v. to spread throughout and penetrate areas.
intr. v. to hold on and continue fighting no matter the obstacles put in front of you.
1. tr. v. to delay or postpone.
2. intr. v. to accept respectfully the opinion of another person such as a wise person.
 adj. willing delay or postpone
n. happiness, glee, triumphs and feelings related to these.
1. tr. v. to use context to form a conclusion
2. tr. v. a guess
tr. v.
1. to fight, struggle against something or someone.
2. to argue, to do an argument
n. a purpose.
adj. deticated or concentrated on a goal
Challenge Words

1. v. to indicate or foreshadow
n. an arrangement between two nations agreeing to follow a policy of international relationships
v. to put in a respective order (pages in a report, book, etc.)
adj. expressed really loudly like screaming
v. used with an object. to spread throughout
n. an effect or result of something

Gaby and Esopam (2nd Draft)

Gabriella closed the cubicle door and started to cry. She never wanted to go out of that bathroom again in her life. No more hearing the words "drug addict" or "coke smoker" said about her. She did not want to go to school again in her life.

   Earlier that morning, everyone at school had been scowling at her and looking at her weirdly. People were whispering "that's the girl who was caught yesterday smoking after hours". Gaby did not understand what they were talking about, for she was in a surfing national championship at that time. However, that did not matter to the bullies at school who started to make fun of her and push her around all day.

   Confused about everyone's peculiar attitude, she went to ask her best friend Ashley what people were talking about. She was just as confused as her because they were together in the ocean competing for the national championship. But, she had heard that there was a rumor that she was caught smoking cocaine after hours the day earlier.
   Now, after a day of bullying and rumors, Gaby is in the bathroom cubicle unwilling to leave.
   Gaby is in bed awake crying. She had just been in a fight with her parents. They think she did smoke cocaine after hours and they do not trust her anymore. Gaby reminded them that she was in the surfing championship but they still wouldn't believe her. Of all the people in the world, Gaby thought it was her parents who would understand that it was just a stupid rumor. Apparently, they didn’t. After a few hours of lying awake she gives in to sleep. In her sleep, she receives a message from the Goddess of Rumors, Esopam.

 "Gabriella, you have now seen what happens to little disrespectful girls when they mess with me. It is I who has created the rumor of your drug addiction. It is I who has filled all minds on your drug addiction. It is I who has felt disrespected and dishonored for you cursing at me the last month. It is I, who in order to get revenge, has made your social life miserable. I now advise you to offer me a gift in order to negotiate a resolution to this little issue of yours. You see Gabriella; I am the only goddess who dislikes having haters and is willing to negotiate peaceful solutions to teenager social lives. I will be awaiting an answer."
   Gaby woke up puzzled by her preposterous dream. Did Goddess Esopam visit her in her sleep? Was she really that insulted when Gaby cursed at her last month?
   It happened a Sunday the month before. Ashley was suffering because a group of girls spread a rumor against her. She had cried an entire ocean because the whole school had found out and she felt embarrassed. Gaby, trying to make Ashley feel better, cursed at the Goddess Esopam and said she was unfair and stupid.

  If this was why the Goddess created the rumor, Gaby would have to find a way to be forgiven.

   Gaby started to think what she could offer the goddess. She already donates 100 weekly dollars to the UNICEF children’s fund, so that will not be a way out. After a lot of thinking, she finally decides what she will do. She will pray for the Goddess every day and she will offer delicious food for her. In the prayers, Gaby begs Esopam to please forgive her and to eliminate the rumors in her school, Beverly Hills Middle School.
   After a week of offerings and prayers, the Goddess visits Gaby again in her sleep. This time she says that she appreciates the prayers and offerings but that will not be enough to fulfill the bargain. She needs something else, something "that involves sacrifice".
   The teenager started to think what the Goddess was referring to. Something that involves sacrifice? Did the goddess want her to kill her puppy in an offering mode to the goddess? No, definitely not that. Does the sacrifice involve her? She now knew the consequence of insulting a Goddess.

   Gaby knew what the Goddess was referring to. She knew that this was for the greater good and there was no other way of saving her social life. She would have to do it.

   That night Gaby went to her room to pray for Esopam. "O Goddess, I know I have insulted you and I have faced my consequence. Now, I am willing to make the sacrifice you expected of me. I am willing to swear to my own death that I will not whine, complain or insult in the rest of my short, insignificant life. Please, Goddess, accept my offerings and eliminate all rumors in Beverly Hills Middle School."
   And after that, Gabriella went to sleep.
   The next day at school, the weirdest thing happened. Everyone was acting normally; there were neither insults nor murmurs traveling around the hallway. All the girls were wishing her well in her surfing championship. All day Gaby was waiting for a mocking tone from a bully, or an insult from a girl, even a weird look from a teacher, but nothing like this occurred.

   She went home feeling happy and normal. Her parents treated her as usual, greeted her with, “what did you learn at school today, Gaby”, and life was back to normal. It was then when Gaby knew that she could never complain again for the negotiation had worked.

  Gaby went to bed and the only thing she said this night was, “Thank you Goddess”. 

September 19, 2011

Gaby and Esopam (rough draft)

   Gabriella closed the cubicle door shut and started to cry. She never wanted to go out of that bathroom again in her life. No more hearing the words "drug addict" or "coke smoker" referred towards her. She did not want to co to school again in her life.

   Earlier that morning, everyone at school had been scowling at her and looking at her weirdly. People were whispering "that's the girl who was caught yesterday smoking after hours". Gaby did not understand what they were talking about, for she was in a surfing national championship yesterday after hours. However, that did not matter to the bullies at school who started to make fun of her and push her around all day.

   Confused about everyone's peculiar feeling, she went to ask her best friend Ashley what people were talking about. She was just as confused as her because they were together in the ocean competing for the national championship. But, she had heard that there was a rumor that she was caught smoking cocaine after hours the day earlier.
   Now, after a day of bullying and rumors, Gaby is in the bathroom cubicle unwilling to leave.
   Gaby is in bed awake sleeping and crying. She had just been in a fight with her parents. They think whe did smoke cocaine after hours and they do not trust her anymore. Gaby reminded them that she was in the surfing championship but they still wouldn't believe them. Of all the people in the world, Gaby thought it was her parents that would understand that it was just a stupid rumor. Apparently not. After a few hours of lying awake gives in to sleep. In her sleep, she receives a message from the Goddess of Rumors Esopam.

 "Gabriella, you have now seen what happens to little disrespectful girls when they mess with me. It is I who has created the rumor of your drug addiction. It is I who has filled all minds on your drug addiction. It is I who has felt disrespected and dishonored for you cursing at me the last month. It is I, who in order to get revenge, has made your social life miserable. I now advise you to offer me a gift in order to negotiate a resolution to this little issue of yours. You see Gabriella, I am the only goddess who dislikes having haters and is willing to negotiate peaceful solutions to teenager social lives. I will be awaiting an anwer."
   Gaby woke up puzzled by her preposterous dream. Did Goddess Esopam visit her in her sleep? Was she really that insulted when Gaby cursed at her last month? If so, then Gaby will have to find a way to make up to her and be forgiven.

   Gaby started to think what she can offer the goddess. She already donates 100 weekly dollars to the UNICEF childrens fund, so that will not be a way out. After a lot of thinking, she finally decides what she will do. She will pray for the Goddess every day and she will offer delicious food for the Goddess. In the prayers, Gaby begs Esopam to please forgive her and to eliminate the rumors in her school Beverly Hills Middle School.
   After a week of offerings and prayers, the Goddess visits Gaby again in her sleep. This time she says that she appreciates the prayers and offerings but that will not be enough to fulfill the bargain. She needs something else, something "that involves sacrifice".

   The teenager started to think what the Goddess was referring to. Something that involves sacrifice? Did the goddess want her to kill her puppy in an offering mode to the goddess? No, definetly not that. Does the sacrifice involve her? She now knew the consequence of insulting a Goddess.

   Gaby new what the Goddess was referring to. She knew that this was for the greater good and there was now other way of saving her social life. She would have to do it.

   That night Gaby went to her room to pray for Esopam. "O Goddess, I know I have insulted you and I have faced my consequence. Now, I am willing to make the sacrifice you expected of me. I am willing to swear to my own death that I will not whine, complain or insult in the rest of my short, insignificant life. Please, Goddess, accept my offerings and eliminate all rumors in Beverly Hills Middle School."
   And after that, Gabriella went to sleep.
   The next day at school was a weird one. Everyone was acting normal, no insults nor murmurs traveling around the hallway. She now had her normal popularity as before. And she new. The negociation worked and the rumors were eliminated from her school for the rest of history.

September 18, 2011

Gaby Character Outline

Looks: blonde hair, blue eyes, White teeth, averagely tall

Talent: She surfs really well.

Ambition: stop rumors completely in her school

Secret: there are rumors in her school that she is on drugs.

Carries in Her Pocket: lipstick, cellphone, full wallet

BFF: Ashley because they have known each other throughout their whole lives

Worst Enemy: Goddess of Rumors Esopam because she created the rumors that have
changes her social life (this changes throughout the myth)

Lost Recently: popularity and her parent's credibility because of the rumors

Acts: donates to charity and is a great surfer.


1) Why did Esopam create the rumors?
2) Why did she lose her parent's credibility?
3) What does she do to fix the rumors?
4) Why does she surf well?


1) Esopam created the rumors because one day Gaby started cursing at her. The goddess, who feels superior to every mortal in the world, felt really insulted and created the rumors as a sort of revenge.

2) Gaby lost her parent's credibility because they think she is a drug addict and they do not trust her anymore. They feel that they do not know her.

3) To fix the rumors, Gaby swears to her own death that she will never in her whole life curse or whine again.

4) She surfs well because her parents put her in classes since she had enough balance to walk and swim. She is said to be the "best surfer of her age". 

Editing Marks Cheet Sheet

September 14, 2011

Plot Map of GABY´S QUEST

Elements of a Myth

In the Exposition
  • I will insert the "HOW PEOPLE LIVED" by explaining how rumors affect the lives of teenagers.
  • I will also insert the "MADE UP CHARACTER" element by describing this typical, yet made up, character Gabriella.
In the Rising Actions
  • I will insert the "GODS" element by describing the Goddess of Rumors Esopam.
  • I will insert "WORSHIPPING" by explaining how Gaby cursed at Esopam, and how Esopam made her pay for her disrespect.
I will not insert any other Myth element in the rest of the story.

Elements of Characterization

In the Exposition
  • I will do a brief introduction to our heroine Gaby. I will tell her interests and the big problem the rumor has created.
Throughout the Rising Actions
  • I will keep developing Gaby's character by adding certain traits that will make the audience love and respect her. For example, I will say that she donated 100 dollars to the hunger in Africa. Also, I will say that Gaby is a great surfer and that she has been offered to be a model for a bathing clothes line. 
In the Climax
  • I will show how Gaby concluded that she does not want rumors to occur anymore. Also, she offers to not whine anymore in order to be forgiven and that no rumors will be created in her school anymore.

September 12, 2011


I have a dog named Asterix. He is a West Highland White Terrier (westie). I love him a lot because he is the perfect dog: he is loyal, playful, small, obedient and a great friend. Also, he does not need a lot of baths/ haircuts/ nail cuts and this means he is not a pain in the butt for my parents. He is 2 and a half years old and he is one very important member of our family.

this is a picture of him

Character Development Homework

 a) Authors use character developments and traits that make us feel a certain way about the character. In the activity we did in class, we put traits into our characters that made the audience and the readers feel disgusted, respectful, scared, honored. Etc. Some of the traits are the name, acts, looks, BFF, worst enemy, carry in their pocket, talent, something lost recently and deep dark secret.

For an example I will use the character Harry Potter:

Name: Harry Potter (he is a very normal boy until he finds out about his past)
Looks: Black hair, averagely tall, glasses…
BFF: Ronald Bilius Weasly. Pure blood
Worst Enemy: Tom Marvolo Riddle AKA Lord Voldemort
Carry in his Pocket: magic wand
Talent: great against the Dark Arts, very brave
Something Lost: His parents killed by Voldemort.
Deep Dark Secret: He is the Chosen Boy. He killed Voldemort when very little.

This makes us respect harry and feel somewhat sorry for him because of his dark past.

b) the authors use the elements of a plot depending on what he genre of the story is going to be. I will use the example of a mystery.

In the Exposition, the author uses his skills to hook you to the book and gives you the general idea of the mystery. Then during the rising actions, the character starts giving you some ideas and information that will affect the course of the solving of the mystery. The climax is the big fight between the detective and the murderer/villain. In the falling actions and resolution, the final strings are tied in the doubts that remain in the story. 

Quiz on Sentence Types

Complex Sentence:

A sentence that correctly combines an independent and a dependent clause.

Pauline and Bruno have a big argument every summer over where they should spend their summer vacation.

Compound Sentence:

A sentence that correctly combines two dependent clauses with the use of a semicolon

Bruno dislikes sitting on the beach; he always gets a nasty sunburn.

Simple Sentence:

An independent clause.

Bruno tends to get bored sitting on the beach, watching the waves, getting sand in his swimsuit, and reading detective novels for a week. 

Compound-Complex Sentence:

A sentence that combines two independent clauses and has the addition of one or more dependent clauses.

Bruno took the desktop computer that he uses at work, and Pauline sits on the beach with her laptop computer, which she connects to the internet with a cellular phone. 

NOTE: the example sentences in orange were taken from the quiz in 


Quiz on Which, That and Who

WHO is always reffering to a person. The use of THAT reffering to a person can also be correct but a skilled and careful writer will always choose who.

   The tennis player, who also plays soccer, is called Roger Federer.

THAT  can reffer to a person (not preferable), animal or thing.

   He bought the dog that had the pink collar.

WHICH reffers to a thing only. 

   The dictionary, which is at the front of the classroom, contains all the English words.

Quiz on Run-On Sentences

Run on sentences are two or more independent clauses that are joined incorrectly.

You can fix them by using correct punctuation

Examples on Run Ons and their Solutions

I loved my visit to France I didn't like the cheese.

I loved my visit to France; however, I did't like the cheese. 

Felipe played polo yesterday he fell off the horse.

Felipe played polo yesterday, and he fell off the horse.

September 8, 2011

3 Modern Myths Brainstorm

3 Myths

1) Characters: Justin (13), Viktor (13) and Christine (13)
   Setting: Middle School in 2011 
    problem: those three students are being tardy repeatedly because the time Titan Kronos advances time in the middle of two classes.
   Solution: They go to Kronos's home in the underworld and offer him full effort in their grades so that he can put time back into its original pace in between classes.
   Elements of the Myth: Made-Up People, Natural Phenonema, Fire, Social Structure

2) Characters: Gabriela (12), 
    Setting: Beverly Hills Middle School
    Problem: Gabriela is being bullied at school because of a preposturous rumor that she had been caught using drugs after school. The rumor was created by the Rumor Godess Esopam revenging herself of Gabriela's cursing towards her.
    Solution: Gabriela prays and offers gifts to the godess in exchange of forgiveness and that the rumor will be erased out of people's minds.
   Elements of Myth: How People Live, Made-Up People, Social Structure

3) Character: Miguel
    Setting: Ciudad Bolivar Public Middle School
    Problem: Miguel is being bullied by a gang of kids two years older than he is because he is religious and worships Poseidon God of The Water, while they worship Athen the Godess of Wisdom. 
    Solution: Miguel prays as instructed by his father, and asks the god of water to negociate with the godess of wisdom and help solve the problem of religion. 
    Element of Myth: Social Structure, Made-Up People, Real Cases, How People Live

September 6, 2011

Grammar Homework (With Corrections)


1) Diffenence in That, Who and Which at the beginning of a phrase.

WHO. refers to one person or a group of people.
       Ana Maria was at Thailand with her friends who are helping her do charity for survivers of the tsunami.
       John was at the mall with his friend whose parents died in a car crash.
      Correctly Used: Manuel is the boy who scored the most points in the basketball game. 
      Incorrectly Used: Pasaporte was the horse who stepped on my hand.
THAT. refers to a thing.
       My friend went to the Teotihuacan pyramids that were home to the Aztecs.
       I went to Providencia that has the world's third largest coral reef.
      Correctly Used: The stingray that was in Cartagena was the one that stung my dad in the foot.
      Incorrectly Used: He was the person that was accused for stealing King Tut's tomb.
WHICH. can also refer to a thing like a word.
       I am a biped which also means I walk on two feet.
       He is vacuous which also means he is an unintelligent person.
      Correctly Used: The answers for the math problems, which are at the back of the book, are always correct.
      Incorrectly Used: Maria is the student which ate the most pies in 12 minutes. 

2)  Run-on sentences are really long sentences that do not have the proper use of commas, semicolons or colons and that can be interpreted in different ways.

An example of a run-on is:

     My friend and I went to the mall to buy shoes and we passed Adidas Nike Asics and New Balance but we couldn't find the right size so we do not know know what to do.

A run-on sentence is two or more independent variables joined incorrectly.

3) Compound Sentence: A compound sentence is a single sentence that combines two or more independent clauses with a conjunction. (FANBOYS)
                    I went to France, and I adored the bread and cheese served in Paris.
                    Pedro played soccer, so I played volleyball.

   Complex Sentence: A complex sentence is a single sentence that combines a dependent clause with an independent clause.
                  Before playing Minecraft, I have to do homework.
                  When I went to Torreladera, I scored three goals playing polo.

A sentence that correctly combines two dependent clauses with the use of a semicolon

September 4, 2011


I am part of the volleyball team in Middle School. Last year we won the binational games at Bucaramanga. Volleyball, in my opinion is the best team sport because you rely on every single team member to triumph. My sister plays basketball and the always critizises volleyball because you do not excersise at all. I reply, “it may be true that in volleyball you do not run like you do in basketball, but you need to be 100% precise in every move you do. In basketball, you may lose the ball but then recover it back easily with no harm done. Meanwhile, in volleyball if you make one tiny mistake the point goes automatically to the other team. That is why in volleyball you need complete ball control to win.”

In volleyball I play on the left side of the court. It may be one of the hardest positions in the game because most of the attacks go to your side. Also, you are the one who attacks most frequently and you have to be ready to do it. That is why to play left you have to learn to defend well and attack excelent. 

General Problems in Middle Schools

It is probably known worldwide that Middle Schools are very different from other schools. As children start to become adults and they have constant mood swings, the whole social world becomes a drama heaven. The most typical problems now a days come from misunderstandings from text messaging, but other problems involve relationships and social life.

Bullying is also a major problem in Middle Schools. Some students feel superior to others and they start to keep bothering them. In other Middle Schools, the kind of bullying is more intense and severe than the one seen in CNG but that does not mean that it is not present. In other Middle Schools, the bullies are carrying a baseball bat and beating up weaker kids for lunch money. At CNG, bullying is generally some kid who bothers another repeatedly and the other does not do anything about it. However, bullying is rare in school and in the unlikely case that somehow appears, the bully serves his punishment and the bullied forgives him for his actions.

At CNG Middle School, those are the most common problems you will find. You may also find diciplinary issues because of students not following directions. Overall, CNG is a bully-free campus and a very peaceful and happy place.

I did not use WHO, WHICH or THAT incorrectly. I didn't even use it! :D