Enter the Epicness

September 4, 2011

General Problems in Middle Schools

It is probably known worldwide that Middle Schools are very different from other schools. As children start to become adults and they have constant mood swings, the whole social world becomes a drama heaven. The most typical problems now a days come from misunderstandings from text messaging, but other problems involve relationships and social life.

Bullying is also a major problem in Middle Schools. Some students feel superior to others and they start to keep bothering them. In other Middle Schools, the kind of bullying is more intense and severe than the one seen in CNG but that does not mean that it is not present. In other Middle Schools, the bullies are carrying a baseball bat and beating up weaker kids for lunch money. At CNG, bullying is generally some kid who bothers another repeatedly and the other does not do anything about it. However, bullying is rare in school and in the unlikely case that somehow appears, the bully serves his punishment and the bullied forgives him for his actions.

At CNG Middle School, those are the most common problems you will find. You may also find diciplinary issues because of students not following directions. Overall, CNG is a bully-free campus and a very peaceful and happy place.

I did not use WHO, WHICH or THAT incorrectly. I didn't even use it! :D

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