Enter the Epicness

March 25, 2012

Novel Project Step 2.5

I read the book Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart. Something challenging I found while searching for the best theme was the complexity of the book. Lee Stewart gives lots of themes in this extense novel and it is a hard task to find the most appropriate. At the beginning I thought it would be assossiated with change, and how it is not always good. My reasoning for choosing this theme comes when I discovered that Mr. Curtain was trying to change the minds of all people and to do an evil act. Then I abolished the theme because I remembered that change is not the main theme in the story. It is important, but not as important as other themes in the story.
 The best one I thought had to be about great minds and young talent, because Reynard Muldoon was a very gifted teenager with a great mind. Then, when he meets Constance, Kate, and Sticky, other young people with brilliand minds and talents, I thought that was the best theme in the story. Afterward, when I met with my partner Mateo Osorio, I decided that his theme was better. That explanation is in spet 3 of the novel project.

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