Enter the Epicness

February 21, 2012

Examples of Themes

Man vs. Man: Magic duel between Harry Potter and Lord Voldemort
Man vs. Nature: Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "Relato de un Naufrago" is the story of a guy stuck on a lifeboat in the middle of the ocean
Man vs. Society: in the movie She's the Man, the main character fights against society for the recognition in the soccer team.
Man vs. Himself: Montag in Fahrenheit 451 because he wants to read the books, but does not want to get in legal trouble.
Man vs. Supernatural: My story of mythology Gaby and Esopam.
Family is Important: in the comedy Cheaper by the Dozen, family unity is very significant
Humans have the same Needs: In Pocahontas, when the indigenous and the English conquerors make peace treaty, it shows that we all have the same needs
Sacrifices Bring Rewards: In the Code Talker, it explains how the kamikazes sacrificed themselves for the reward of sinking an enemy ship.
Death is part of the Life Cycle: In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, when Nicholas Flamel stops drinkind the Elixer of Life, he dies. This reflects the theme
Love Conquers All: In Harry Potter, Lily Potter's love for Harry defeated Voldemort's powerful dark magic. This is a very clear example of this theme
Overcoming Adversity: In A Bug's Life, the ants teamed together to overcome the other bugs that were bullying them.
Friendship Depends In Sacrifice: In the Mysterious Benedict Society, the four orphans sacrifice themselves and that strengthens their unbreakable friendship

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