Enter the Epicness

November 7, 2011

Game of Prepositions

THE GRAMMAR RACE 2-6 players

Pieces: 40 flashcards, 6 player identifications (cars, drawings.etc), 1 playing board, 1 dice.

Object: the object of the game is to get to the finish as fast as possible while answering correctly the problems.

At the beginning, each player gets an identification. Each player rolls the dice and the player with the highest roll starts the game. Gameplay goes counterclock wise.

The first player gets a flashcard with two sentences. The player has to identify the gramatically correct sentence and check if it is correct with the back of the flashcard.
If it is correct, the player advances one spot.
If it is incorrect, the player moves back two spots. 

The player to reach the finish line first wins the game. 

Here are some photos of the game..

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