Enter the Epicness

December 6, 2011

10 things about stocks

  1. They are part of a company that you can buy
  2. A person who buys stocks is named a stockholder
  3. Companies sell stocks so that they get more money and they can grow
  4. the whole point of having stocks is to have more money. When the company grows, the stockholders gain money.
  5. there is a famous saying that says "buy low, sell high" which is what stockbrokers do.
  6. stockbrokers are people who are in charge of all the trade inside the stock market.
  7. people hire brokers to buy and sell for a profit.
  8. Two very important stock markets are NASDAQ and The New York Stock Exchange
  9. the Great Depression in 1929 was caused by a great drop in stocks in the Black Tuesday. 
  10. If a company grows pretty fast and you have stocks in it, then you will gain a lot of money!

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