Enter the Epicness

January 22, 2012

Vocabulary Study Quiz

Vocabulary Quiz Review                                               Alejandro Samper                           PreAP English

Vocabulary Lesson 1

Connect the root with its respective definition.
1. PER                                                                                    a. “to bring”, “to bear”, “to carry”
2. TENDO                                                                             b. “to stretch”
3. TENDETI                                                                          c. “through”
4. TULI                                                                                  d. “to bring”, “to bear”, “to carry”
5. LATUM                                                                            e. “to bring”, “to bear”, “to carry”
6. TENDERE                                                                         f. “to stretch”
7. TENSUM                                                                         g. “to stretch”
8. FERO                                                                                 h. “to bring”, “to bear”, “to carry”
9. FERRE                                                                               i. “to stretch”
 Write the definition of each word in the space beside it.
1.       Percussion

2.       Permeate

3.       Perennial

4.       Persevere

5.       Defer

6.       Dilatory

7.       Elation

8.       Infer
9.       Contend

10.   Intent

Vocabulary Lesson 2


Beneath each definition, write all its roots.
1.       “Under”

2.       “to twist”, “to bend”, “to turn around”

3.       “to turn”, “to turn around”


Circle the word that is used incorrectly in every sentence*. Then put the correct one.
1.       Despite the contortion of a shipwreck, the Swiss Family Robinson adapts to living simply, turning their island into a small paradise.
2.       During an eclipse of the sun, viewers must distort their eyes to avoid severe burning of the retina.
3.       Perverts often keep extensive journals, in which they record their thoughts about life.
4.       The children took tortuous pleasure in hiding from their sitter.
5.       Introvert is what we all speak and write unless we are composing poetry.
6.       Tom Sawyer’s perverse plan to free Jim, the already freed former slave, becomes a hardship, or at least a nuisance, to everyone except Tom.
7.       When the ventriloquist told her dummy, “You’re not very bright today,” the figure averted, “Look who’s talking”.
8.       By combining photographs of two people who have never met, a devious propagandist could retort their relationship and mislead the public.
9.       The acrobats subverted their bodies until they resembled pretzels.
10.   History shows that although men have often expected women to be tortuous, many women have resisted domination.
11.   In 1917 revolutionists contorted the regime of the Russian czars.